Nachos U4IQ Style


Nachos U4IQ Style


Live A Little Higher…

This recipe is straight up simple and delicious.

To begin,

dry rub 2 cups of cubed, boneless chicken thighs with 1 tbsp granulated garlic

2-3 tsp himalayan pink salt

1 tsp. black pepper

Toss in tapioca starch (otherwise known as cassava starch), a complex carbohydrate that your body won`t convert into fat and will give you a crisp, light crust that browns slowly.

Dust off excess.

Brown on medium-high heat until golden and cooked through (approx. 15-20 minutes).

For vegans substitute with canned tender romano beans, well rinsed.

Put a thin layer of tortilla chips (organic if you can get them) on a shallow baking sheet.

Add a layer of golden brown chicken thighs, romano beans, chopped green onions, 4-5 tablespoons of your favorite U4IQ Sauce.

Sweet Surrender Mango if you like it mild (50,000 Scovilles).

Hedonistic Jerk and Tamarind if you like it dirty! One of the hot ones (350,000 Scovilles)!

Afterglow Maple Balsamic if you like 50 shades of wow, (1.5 million Scovilles)

1 cup of diced plum tomatoes

1 cup of monterey jack

A few dollops of goats cheese (cashew cheese if you`re veg).

Repeat 2-3 layers.

Bake in a pre-heated oven at 425 or low-broil until golden.


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